Welcome to Worldwide Adventurer

This Blog is dedicated to anyone who longs to travel the world over and share their experiences with all those who want to do the same. I will share with you my adventures, both good and not-so-good, from boring to exhilirating, and what I would like to have on my Bucket List. Won't you do the same?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Vacations in Paradise

One of the things I learned on my first vacation are that things are not always what they seem in advertisements. While Jamaica was a beautiful island with great beaches and warm, crystal clear water, the inhabitants were less than hospitable to Yankees due to the political turmoil that the island was experiencing. In fact I was warned that if you leave the resort do so only with a large group of people...".Oh Oh..where am I going?" Funny though, I did stay at the resort all the time and it was not for personal security reasons...

I will say though that on the my day on Jamaica I was in the resort's shuttle bus on the way to the airport when a couple of military transports passed us going in the opposite direction with soldiers onboard slinging automatic weapons over their shoulders.... It was nice to get back home...

It seems that all of  that has changed as Jamaica has turned into one great vacation spot. Everyone that goes there nowadays has nothing but good things to say about it...Everything is IRIE mon.

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